Monday, July 8, 2013

Up, Up, Up We Go!

On the 3rd of July (two days before Brad leaves) I worked all day till about 5 and Brad had been working for Danny all day.  Brad loves to go on bike rides, especially through canyons and stuff; so him and Danny planned a quick drive up to Bear Lake to get a shake and then head back to make it in time for the fireworks.  I didn't care what we did, as long as I was with Brad, so I said let's do it!  Me & Brad, Danny & his wife, and Kevin & a friend came.  It was so fun and so pretty.  The temperature was perfect, and we couldn't have asked for a better day to go.  We made it to Bear Lake and went to La Beau's to get a shake.  They were delicious of course!  

When we got back, I was so excited to watch the fireworks.  We had planned watching them from our roof with the Shelton's for a couple days so we were all pretty stoked.  When we got back, us and the Shelton's went to the store to get some goodies, and then we came back and got on our roof.  It was a little sketchy, but we made it!  We didn't really plan it out, or even go up there to see how it would be so we weren't that shocked when we realized there was a really tall tree right in the way.  We all just laughed and said oh well.  So we sat up there until they started going from the Stadium.  All we had to do was move to one side really far and we could see the really big ones, so we were all pretty excited!  I tried my best to get pictures, but it just wasn't really in our favor haha.

After the fireworks Christie and I begged our husbands to play games with us.  We played percardo and it was lots of fun.  We really wanted to play trump after, but the boys wouldn't allow it because it was "too late".  Ya our husbands are kind of lame sometimes ;)  But they promised us that we could play the next night, so Christie and I were sure to make sure it went through.

They say time flys when you're having fun and that's for dang sure.  Brad and I laid in bed that night again wondering where all the time went.  Things were already getting harder, and he wasn't even gone yet.  That night I just wanted to stay awake all night, just so I wouldn't have to forget what it was like with out him there with me.  

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