We go camping at Lava Hot Springs every year in July to celebrate the many, many birthdays that my family has. We have gone there every year since before I can even remember. It worked out perfect that I could come home just in time for it. My parents were both so excited that I could come! I was originally planning on surprising everyone when I got there as well, but my mom couldn't handle her excitement and had to tell everyone that I was in Utah haha! It was fun to see everyone, and we all had a blast.
Like always, we floated the river all day on Saturday. My dad and I took Ollie and his poodle, Bella, down to the river as well and they had so much fun! They were constantly running in and out of the water and swimming. We didn't have very many battle wounds from the river either which might be a new record for us! On Sunday we played at the pool all day. We spent lots of time watching Josh and Braxton do crazy tricks off the top platform and we did our annual "who can go the furthest off the steep slide" contest. My uncle Willy won this year by going all the way off the edge!
We did a lot of fun things, but I was happy just to be with my family. It was also nice to be in a little bit cooler weather. It was in the mid-90's the whole time, and that felt amazing to Ollie and I. We did miss Brad lots, though!

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