Monday, October 29, 2012

October Goodness

The month of October has been so fun!  Brad and I have been able to find time to do some fun things in-between our busy schedules.  It's weird thinking back a year ago from now I had just gotten home from New Jersey and Brad and I were finally getting to be together while we were engaged.  Last year for Halloween we went to the Howl as pirates, and we carved pumpkins with our nephews!  I can't believe a year has already gone by!

So for this year it was different and so fun because we aren't the only married ones anymore!  We have so many more friends that are either married, engaged or dating's about time friends ;)  Life just gets better as you get older because you do things more with people you actually enjoy being around, instead of sweating/dying at the Howl with bunch of people showing off their man and lady goods.  Yes, I went buuuut now I realize how much more fun I have with all of mine and Bradley's friends.  Marriage is just so much better:)  Costumes aren't chosen for sexiness anymore, they are chosen for fun and to get a good laugh out of everyone...definitely a lot more fun.  You get to chose fun and creative costumes instead of the "popular" nurse, cat, waitress, bunny or sailor.  Call me crazy, but I think those are typical costumes chosen every year! 
A couple of weeks ago we got invited to go carve pumpkins with some of my friends!  It was fun cause I don't see my friends as much as I used to so it's always fun to catch up with everyone!  Here's a little bit from our pumpkin carving night...

the group!

Amber and Braeden were telling us poses we had to do with our pumpkins ha
lighting our pumpkins up outside our house

This last weekend Bradley and I got invited to go to a halloween party!  It was a lot of fun getting ready...especially getting Brad ready haha!  I have the best husband...he's such a great sport with everything!  We had other outfits planned out, but my parents bought costumes for their party that they had the night before we had we decided to steal theirs.  We were an angel and a devil...yes my husband was the angel:)  Everybody's costumes were so good!  We caught up with everyone, played games and ate lots of food:)  I think all of us girls that were there feel pretty lucky to have such great husbands, because most of them played their parts all night haha!  It made for a good laugh!

So there you have it!  Halloween hasn't even come yet, and I've already enjoyed the holiday so much!  Halloween day I have school AND work, so I wont be doing a whole lot, but hopefully we get some trick-or-treaters!  I love seeing all the creative costumes that people have!
Also, random fun and my bestie, Kristie, both got baptized on halloween.  I've always thought I was pretty cool, and it's an easy date to remember! :)
I hope everyone is having a happy Halloween week, or month, or however long you've been celebrating it!


One last thing...I can't stand things being the same for long because I get bored...soooo my blog "theme" and background may change often:)


  1. Lol does Brad have fake boobs on? Reminds me of a specific night in Iowa :) Love and miss you!

  2. haha yes he most definitley does AND it was his idea! haha love and miss you too!
